zaterdag 12 februari 2011

It's weekend!!

Time flies so fast when you are happy and enjoying every precious moment of life; wishing it would never end. 

My week started tremendous. The alarm went off… I woke up, took a shower….Ready, Steady, Gooo…. "Amsterdam, Here I come”. I had a Perfume-shoot and a Glamour shoot with photographer Charles van Trappen. It was totally a success. I enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see the results.

That same day in the afternoon, I did make up for a model, Dina. It was a very creative Candy Shoot. This shoot was also done with photographer Charles van Trappen. Stay tuned for the pictures; they are sexy, crazy, sweet and nice.


The next day I went to make-up training (organized by my work), where you learn about the new make-up trends for Spring 2011! It was very informative and as usual a great moment in my life. I constantly need to upgrade my make-up skills. Every season there is a new make-up trend, so it’s imperative that I am kept up to date to give you the latest fashion make-up styles.

I also did the make-up for the JPB featuring TO video ”Single en Alleen.” It was quite a long day, but a successful one nonetheless. At the end I went home, got some sleep and recharged for the next day.

Doing her hair for the clip

Doing the Make-up

The scene 

So, the next day I woke up fit and exited again! I was invited by Photographer Paul to help him with a “Photography” workshop. It was a workshop for photographers at a beginners level. Together we worked on it; me as the make-up artist/hairstylist of course. I discussed the importance of hiring a make-up artist for a shoot to all of the men that were there. Make-up for a photo shoot is completely different then make-up one wears every day. Giving a workshop was a big challenge for me!
Photographers testing their new cameras..
Model: Connie

And then it was almost Friday, last but not least … The pregnancy shoot of Lisa Molina at studio FVS of photographer Ramsay Soemanta.
Behind the scene 

Tick- tock- tick… the “week” is over!I I was very busy, but I’m so happy I made the best of it. It was a challenging yet productive week. Now can I finally say “It’s the weekend”. Lets have some fun..this is what weekends are for!  Have a wonderful one!!

Love ,ShennaVison
Get a Look!

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